Lori McCarthy

Photo Credit to Dawn Evans

Photo Credit to Dawn Evans

Cultural food ambassador, educator, & storyteller.

“I want to introduce you to Newfoundland & Labrador, where people, place and food culture run strong and deep.  A place where we are looking ahead at the wild foods from the land and sea and realizing that they have only begun to scratch the surface of possibilities. Our food-ways are stories, born out of necessity and growing to be told. These stories are to be shared, they embrace the past, hold strong in the present, and will grow into future.”

 Lori McCarthy identifies fiercely as a Newfoundlander, which means more than just geographical location of birth to her. Her passion for the land is matched only by her passion for food culture. Deeply rooted here, the skilled chef and outdoorswoman is guided by a sense of responsibility to place. The ethics of conservation and sustainability inform her every move, and she is as serious about protecting Newfoundland culture, resources and food ways as she is about sharing them.

To be an innovative chef, forager, hunter, educator , and enthusiastic outdoors person is less unusual amongst Newfoundlanders than you might think. The provinces culture is based on the values of resourcefulness and working with what the land provides. But Lori has made it her life, becoming a leader, educator and advocate in a back to the land approach where culture, people, the art of making, is central. She's committed to keeping the the skills and values of this province on our plates for generations to come. Build on pride her dedication is to passing this on to her own children who will inherit this islands abundant bounty.